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Welcome to Anvilstone Dog Training

Not just dog training. We train people too.


We love it when our clients and their canine companions are happy and below is a selection of comments from previous clients who have taken the time to leave us reviews.

If you’d like to discuss dog training or any behavioural issues with us, please contact us here.

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 18 reviews)
Very good0%

Henry the bastard!

4 September 2024

Ian took Henry under his wing and he stayed for a week with him. He came back a different dog he listened and was a lot calmer and did as asked. Obviously more training to do at home but would recommend Ian very highly

Alison saunders

Educating Flash

29 July 2024

I cannot recommend Ian’s services enough. At 14 months old and an entire GWP, Flash had become quite the handful; walking him was stressful. He had become reactive, pulled on the lead and recall was highly optional, the reactivity being the worst of the three to handle. I had reached a stage where walking him was no longer fun. I knew I had to speak to someone who knew GWPs/their temperaments/behavioural quirks and started doing some research on various forums and came across Ian’s name by way of recommendation and two contacts who had puppies from the same litter as Flash had also heard good things.

We had a long chat over the phone about Flash and his traits, and he quickly identified that much of Flash’s behaviour was him dominating or otherwise feeling that he had to protect me, because I hadn’t ever taught him that I was the leader, and not him, and that I had given him too much freedom in the house. I agreed to send him to Ian’s for a week and take it from there. I arrived on the first day, spent a couple of hours with Ian whilst he worked Flash on a long lead and a short lead. Flash was quick to demonstrate some of his “quirks” including a very evident dislike of another dog under his training (who didn’t like him very much either). After a couple of hours, I left Ian to it with Flash. Yes, I was nervous about leaving Flash, but equally if one goes to an expert, one needs to trust the expert and Flash is pretty tough. Conscious of coming across as a neurotic owner, I didn’t contact Ian much during the week but received videos of Flash’s progress. I drove back up the following weekend and met Ian on the Saturday morning, where he brought Flash out to see me – full of beans and very happy. We spent the day working through various gears (training methods to ensure the dog remains focussed on me) working on a long lead, short lead, no lead, moving him round me, challenging him in different scenarios, and working him closer to the other dog without reaction and bringing in other dogs to create distraction. When off the lead, Flash was attentive and quick to respond to me. There was a huge difference in how Flash engaged with me – previously, it was frankly a miracle that he even knew I was there. The second day was working in a different field with a lot more scent, and although there were a couple of times when he stood on his back legs to gawk at a swallow, he didn’t do a disappearing act. And, in the afternoon, we drove them to the local town on a busy Sunday to walk them through the town. Flash was very well behaved and not reactive to several dogs – and it made me feel pretty emotional.

Ian is incredibly calm and quiet with the dogs in his charge and they all seem to respond to him so well. I only wish I could absorb more of his knowledge. Flash was there for eight days and came away happy and relaxed.

We haven’t been home long at the time of writing this review (not even 24 hours), and we have had one successful walk and two training sessions in the garden. On Ian’s advice, we are changing how we keep Flash in the house i.e. in his crate and not giving him so much freedom. We are also looking into how we can have a secure kennel outside. There will be some way to go (mostly with the reactivity to other dogs), but I feel much more confident about handling Flash and I now have the tools to help bring him on in the right way.

If in two minds about sending your dog to Ian, do it. Worth every penny, and only I wish Flash and I could have stayed longer and I wish Ian were closer! I have already mentioned him that I would like Flash to come back – this time with my husband – mostly so that we are both singing from the same songsheet when it comes to Flash. Perhaps he will have as good an effect on my husband too?!

Polly Eldridge

Completely saved me!

8 July 2024

Okay – so, apologies in advance that this is going to be a long one!

Bit of background first – I got Tatws 4 years ago with a (now ex) partner. At the time he’d had experience with other dogs – English pointer, spaniel, staffy. While I loved dogs, I’d never owned one myself – not even had one as a child. I’m not sure why we thought it was a good idea (please don’t judge us too harshly!) but we decided on a GWP – how hard could they really be right?! Safe to say we soon found out. Recall was non-existant, he was reactive with other dogs, he generally took the piss at any opportunity. A classic poorly trained GWP.

He was about 2.5 years old when I took him on full time by myself. We had seriously thought about rehoming him to someone who would manage him better, but I couldn’t face doing that without at least trying. I tried two local dog trainers to improve his behaviour. He marginally got better but it was still unbelievably stressful to take him anywhere. I was constantly on edge, constantly on the look out for the next thing he was going to react to. I couldn’t let him off lead unless I was somewhere I knew was fully secure – and even then, he’d usually find an escape route to chase something! I’d had to traipse through brambles, up cliffs – I don’t think I’ve ever sworn so much in my life.

I’d seen Ian’s reviews on the GWP facebook group and always thought it sounded too good to be true. There was no way someone can completely change a dog’s mindset just like that, right? I agonised about taking him, spending that much in one hit – what if it didn’t make a difference? What if Ian couldn’t help?

But after months of thinking about it, countless walks full of anxiety and 2 broken fingers – I finally spoke to Ian. He immediately recommended bringing Tatws to him for a week and so a few weeks later we were on our way up. I bawled like a baby leaving him there and watching Ian immediately taking him into a field full of sheep blew my mind. And before I knew it, it was my turn to go up there and learn my bit. Ian met me in the morning and after a reintroduction, he sent us off into the aforementioned field full of sheep. I could not believe my eyes and genuinely thought either he’d replaced my dog, or I’d entered another dimension. He followed me for every turn, he listened to commands, and more importantly – he didn’t try to eat the sheep! We spent two days teaching me my part – all the boundaries that needed to be in place and all the techniques I’d need to implement to keep this behaviour on point. By the time I took him home I couldn’t wait to start putting everything into practice.

When reading all the reviews prior to taking the leap – I kept thinking about whether the training sticks, how it translates to a different environment, what happens when you try these techniques in places he knows. So, I waited a few weeks before writing this. Safe to say – even though he occasionally tries to push the boundaries – the difference is incredible. I can finally walk him in the park, on the beach, in the woods – off lead! I’m not sure it’s even fully sunk in yet. We trust each other more; he actually enjoys our outings and I’m infinitely less stressed! I’m not sure if I can even put into words the gratitude I feel for the help Ian has given me.

It’s been said on here before – but if you’re sat there contemplating going to Ian, thinking it might not be worth it – I would 100% urge you to go. You won’t regret it.

Vanessa Leitch

I can't recommend Ian enough

4 July 2024

Having had german shepherds for over 45 years my latest young dog was having reactive issues that I thought I could cure, to no avail. I saw Ian’s website and reviews and gave him a ring. He spent nearly half an hour asking about my dog and his issues and could not have been more informative and helpful. I was very impressed with his knowledge. I booked a day with Ian, and could not speak highly enough of how the day was planned, and the results achieved. I took my dog home confident that the problem was sorted, and the next day I was able to put into effect the techniques Ian gave me and the results speak for themselves. He showed no reaction to other dogs, and I’m sure that we will be able to keep improving with time and effort using the tools Ian gave us. I was at the end of my tether before going to Ian, and I’m extremely grateful for his support, I can’t recommend Ian enough. 😁


Lots of advice

2 July 2024

I have just visited Ian this afternoon with our nearly 5 year old border collie, Annie, who has been exhibiting some increasing anxiety issues which have manifested as random barking, whimpering, aggressive attitude to some dog breeds amongst other problems. I have come away with lots of advice on how to develop better leadership skills, focused training and lead work. She is currently extremely relaxed after working hard.

Caroline Baskerville

We have a happier, calmer dog

31 May 2024

We took our 2.5 year old Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla, Opie, to train with Ian at Anvilstone and the difference this has made to all our lives is immeasurable.

Opie was a very confused boy and before the training, our walks were filled with anxiety as his recall wasn’t reliable; he’d nibble at our pockets; he would bark and whine at us whenever we were stood still or when he wanted his own way in the home.

Since the training, Opie’s engaged with us, his recall is improving and most importantly, we have a happier, calmer dog which is all we ever wanted for him.

We are incredibly grateful to Ian and his doggy wisdom! When delivering the training, Ian was a calming influence on all of us and tailored the training to suit Opie’s needs as he could read his behaviours and body language and knew exactly what he needed and when.

I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend training at Anvilstone highly enough and wished we could’ve stayed for longer!

Laurie MacGREGOR

Thanks for your time Ian

17 May 2024

I was mind blown with all the information Ian filled me with regarding dog training. I took my 11 week old pup but Ian thought go home and implement his ideas and go back for session 2 in a couple of weeks. Loads more questions after chugging away day one at home. Excited for the journey, thanks for your time Ian.


The difference is amazing

7 May 2024

Harvey is nearly 4 and I’d tried everything, I’d had initial puppy training, then one-to-one with a number of trainers. But despite many hours and many sessions, I’d about given up.

I tell everyone I’ve been to a dog whisperer. The difference is amazing and I’m over the moon with the results.

I had, issues with Harvey’s recall, jumping up and generally trying to boss the day’s activities.

Ian explained things, initially on a call and then when I turned up to leave Harvey for 5 days.

Everything he said made sense and when I turned up to spend the last day, Ian emphasised clearly what I needed to do.

I spent the day with Harvey and Ian imparting some of his wisdom. Harvey was a much calmer dog, even staying focused and recalling when a pheasant flew up in front of us,

I’m so pleased and look forward to enforcing the boundaries Ian said I need to set and to repeat the exercises we did.

Most of all I have a big smile on my face thinking of the many walks and days out we will both enjoy, both of us stress free.

Harvey’s Happy Guardian

Ian is incredible

14 April 2024

After an initial conversation with Ian, we were assured after explaining Patch’s behaviour, he would be able to help us.

Patch had zero recall, he talked back when he didn’t get what he wanted, when off lead he just disappeared. He also pulled on the lead, jumped up at cyclists and runners. He was a challenge.

On day one we arrived and Ian assessed him and started work immediately. We stayed in their beautiful cottage for the duration of 6 days, and occasionally watched Ian work with patch, who initially was trying to dominate Ian, jumping up at him in the field and ignoring him.

By day 3, we watched as Patch had stopped jumping, he was walking by Ian’s side, off lead and following him in every direction, as Ian walked back past the cottage we crossed paths and he told us how well he was doing, we both got a lump in our throats. Watching Patch so well behaved on an open field was something we had only ever dreamed of. It was very emotional.

Two days later we joined Ian for the full day, he taught us how to respond to Patch’s negative behaviour (just don’t!) and reward good behaviour only- it was a game changer.

We spent the morning practising what Ian had shown us on long lead, after lunch we joined Ian and 2 other dogs on a walk through fields with plenty of smells and animals (yes, cows!) Patch was off lead, listening to us, he did attempt to approach the cows but soon got told off, and he was back to walking by Ian or our side.

The walk was a pleasure, we walked, he didn’t leave our side, he did so well.

We have lots of hard work to continue when we get home, but we’re confident we will be able to enjoy walks off lead and have an obedient calm Patch now we understand him more.

Ian is incredible and we can’t recommend him highly enough, the cottage is also amazing and Sue was so helpful ensuring we have everything we needed.

Thank you so much.


I would highly recommend Anvilstone Dog Training

7 April 2024

Luna my, 3yr old, small cross breed from Romania has had a tough start in life. I fostered then adopted her after she was signed over to a rescue centre last year. She is a lovely companion but has always been nervous of certain breeds of dog & new people. I was becoming concerned that our life together was going to be very difficult. However one session with Ian has turned that all around for the better. I stood & watched Ian put Luna through some intense training which included clear, down to earth, explanations of what I need to do going forward. I was so happy to see her responding so well. Now it’s over to me to keep it going. It was a lot to take in but the change has been incredible. I have more confidence & our walks have been amazing. My regular dog buddies have all noticed the difference, especially those with dogs Luna wasn’t keen on. No more avoidance tactics on my part & no reactive behaviour from Luna. I can’t thank Ian enough for sharing his time & experience to help Luna & me. I will be keeping up Ian’s good work, it’s been a game changer for me & Luna.

I would highly recommend Anvilstone Dog Training.

Jo Queminet
My friend recommended Ian at Anvilstone Dog Training after she had taken her GSP Urnie for a very successful weeks training.

We have a 5.5 year old GWP who has been with us for 18 months. He is a big dog and when we got him he had a level of training; recall to the whistle (if there was nothing around to distract him) and some lead walking with a control collar. I am not ashamed to say over the last 18 months I lost all communication with Ghillie and he was getting too much for me. Going through a field of sheep he would scream (literally) at them and pull my arms out their sockets trying to get to them, he would chase bikes, lead walking was uncomfortable and recall was ok as long as we were somewhere where there was nothing more interesting than me! In the end we did the same walks every day in the woods at the crack of dawn so I didn’t have to put him on a lead and I didn’t meet any bikes, runners or other dogs and with a ball to keep him occupied and stop him running off.
After my friends recommendation and checking out the website and instagram page I bit the bullet and contacted Ian for some training.
Ghillie spent a week with Ian and then I joined for the last day to be “trained” as well. I can’t get over the difference in Ghillie. I am not exaggerating when I say this has changed my life! I’ve been out by myself and ghillie has walked calmly on his lead, his recall is spot on, even when he got distracted by another dog and he is listening to me! We even went through some sheep and where I’m not quite confident enough to have him off his lead, he walked past them with no screaming or pulling my arms off!
Training Ghillie on our walks makes them so much more interesting and rewarding for both of us, I can’t wait to go to different places with him!
Thank you Steph for recommending Ian and most of all thank you Ian and Grace for all the hard work you did with Ghillie…and me.
We took our 3 year old GWP Deia to Anvilstone Dog Training to work on her reactivity and walking skills. We had intended to leave her there all week. After about 2 hours in the field with Ian she was happily walking alongside him and one of his dogs (Pepper). The instruction Ian gave us in a single mornings work was clear and effective. It provided us with the guidance and confidence we needed to carry on with the training. We cannot recommend highly enough, brilliant and back home before lunch. 🤩
Annie our GWP has just graduated from boot camp at Anvilstone Dog Training !

If like me you have been reading the reviews and wanting to book in with Ian for the last 1-2 years whilst pulling your hair out about your dogs behaviour, but still trying to fix it yourself… this is your sign to book in!

Annie is 3 this month and we adopted her from a family that couldn’t cope when she was 6 months old. She is significantly better than when we first got her after a lot of training, and a lovely dog, but put any animal that moves into the equation and she would go deaf and forget about us!

It wasn’t fun walking her anymore. Times off the lead were few and far between and the times she was off were stressful and I was anxious about what she was going to do next.
We couldn’t walk her with friends because she would either drag us round on the lead the whole way or we couldn’t hold a conversation with anyone because we were too busy screaming her name and blowing the whistle at full volume when she ran off constantly.

Over the last 2.5 years we have had far too many incidents to remember that involved going deaf when chasing something, this included:
Running to the end of the long line chasing birds/ squirrels in the woods and pulling me over and breaking my finger.
Jumping a fence into a private fishing lake (no dogs allowed!), jumping in the lake and swimming after a swan that looked like it was about to kill her!
Chasing a deer (twice), once disappearing across about 4 fields and came back 10 mins later.

The nail in the coffin for me before I booked in with Ian was her chasing a deer a few weeks ago in the direction of a very busy A- road, me and my husband were running after her shouting and convinced she was going to jump the very small wall, run into the road after the deer and get run over!
I felt like it wasn’t safe to walk my dog anymore.

We made the drive and dropped her off Monday morning and travelled home for a few days before returning on Thursday and today for training with us.
Ian kept us updated each day with progress videos from as little as 2 hours after we had dropped her off.

Today we walked for 5 miles up the fell with Ian for our final challenge!
it was the least stressful walk we had ever had with her despite us coming across sheep and cows within a few metres. She was off the lead the entire time.
Her recall is spot on, she can be around livestock, she is staying close to us.
The pictures speak for themselves.

Ian we can’t thank you enough. The change in her is unbelievable.
Annie can now enjoy her life off lead, walking for miles with us as she should do without the fear of her getting hurt or lost.
I have a 2yr old rescue GSP that is high prey drive. I have tried training myself and various other trainers too but to no avail. I was at a loss where to go from here. She was missing out on off lead walks and confined to a long lead and free runs in our garden. I came across Ian at Anvilstone through a recommendation on a Facebook group. I called Ian and had a long chat about our fears and frustrations. We agreed to leave her with Ian for a week with me joining him for a day to train me. I was updated daily with videos of her progress and i could not believe this was the same dog. She was so focussed and was enjoying herself. We have a lot of work to continue with but the change in her already is dramatic. I would have no hesitation of recommending Ian. I cannot thank him enough. We are enjoying our girl and she is enjoying life.
We took our two English Pointers to Ian in February 2024 for help with recall, lead walking and reactivity. We spent 5 days with him and even within the first day, we couldn't believe the change in our dogs. Being very high prey drive dogs, we never thought we'd be able to let them off lead and now we can walk over fields and fells with all sorts of scents and animals and they come back to us every time.
We also got advice on how to help with reactivity which again, has helped us massively but will be something that will take time to help that dog relax but have seen changes already. We would highly recommend Ian at Anvilstone for any training
Our walks are now much more enjoyable and stress free, both on and off lead. Thank you Ian
Having discovered Anvilstone Dog Training via a friend who owns a GWP it was with some trepidation that I made contact with Ian in the hope that he could help us with our 2 year old flat coated retriever, Fynn’s lack of recall.
Immediately putting my mind at ease, Ian arranged for a visit to outline an initial four day programme. Heading over to Lupton from our Guisborough home meant an early start on the Monday morning of February 12th. Having achieved this, the travel plan went awry with a dodgy sat nav taking me 10 miles out of my way before finally we arrived at Ian’s location.
Apologies for delay courteously accepted by Ian, Fynn was immediately put to work with close lead work followed by long lead 180 exercise with the aim of encouraging Fynn to concentrate on Ian and follow his direction.
Fully explaining the process, it was brought home to me the importance of the relationship between owner and dog, key words, treat rewards and positivity were paramount.
After the introduction, Ian agreed to take Fynn for the full four days with myself and wife Shirl due to return on the last day to work in tandem with our boy.
Returning on the Thursday to an extremely damp training field, we held our breath waiting for Ian’s
assessment, it was with some pride that we listened to Ian extol Fynn’s ability and general good nature and willingness to learn. Associating this with our knowledge of the flat coated retriever breed through 3 previous owner relationships we set to with renewed enthusiasm not to let our boy down and support him in his education. After a few minutes it was our turn to carry out the chosen exercises. Whilst nowhere near the level of Ian’s expertise, we both achieved sufficient response from Fynn to realise that we could succeed over time.
Observing Ian working with Fynn was hugely rewarding. Even being aware that we were present, Fynn was so caught up with wanting to please Ian and follow his every instruction that his focus was total. Watching this work was truly inspirational and we committed ourselves fully to continue this process. Having been home for a week, we have managed to carry out the required exercises on a daily basis and are pleased with Fynn’s response. Clearly we have a journey ahead, but we feel that after Ian’s guidance and instruction we have the necessary tools to maintain the progress and enable Fynn to enjoy an active life as a well behaved member of the “flattie” community.
A huge thank you to Ian, Fynn sends his best regards.
We had issues with our Belgian Malinois not listening and would have killed sheep given the chance. Ian explained everything clearly and listened to what we had to say. He was understanding and patient. Started with the very basics and builds the dogs trust before moving on to the next level, waiting until the dog fully understands what is currently being asked of him. Really impressed with the guidance and results, we are now totally confident taking him in with our sheep and he would not leave our side.
Took my German Shepherd for a two day training session with Ian this weekend. My dog was very bad at chasing sheep! Ian sorted it out within 5 minutes. The whole experience has been very informative, myself and my dog have learnt a lot. Would highly recommend Ian for any problems you have with your dog. Even if you just want to improve your relationship with your dog.
Having tried our local puppy and further training classes with limited success, and researching trainers online, we decided to book our GWP (Nancy) in with Ian at Anvilstone dog training. Nancy was difficult to enjoy walking as she would pull constantly, she was reactive to birds, leaves, and anything small, had poor recall, and in the house she would leap on anyone who entered.

After Nancy had spent 2 days with Ian, we spent a further day together learning how to make the most of the training done with her. The results are a stark contrast to the dog that went to anvilstone! Obviously all training requires the owner to continue the good work, but instantly she has been calmer, walks better on the lead, is focused more on her humans than any prey, and visitors can come into our house with little fuss. We now have a dog that we can continue to work with and enjoy life to the full, with much greater confidence in how she will react in any given situation.

To sum up, GWPs are special dogs, that need someone who truly understands them to extract the best. Ian is without doubt in that category. Thank you from Marian and Richard.
Puppy classes for Alba. Four months old and great instruction from Ian. We’ll practice all week
Fantastic day with Ian training hank our patterdale. Significant improvement with recall after just a few days following Ian’s training techniques, no more selective hearing no more barking at farm animals you can train a patterdale 😁 highly recommend 🐾
Ian knew instantly what I needed to do ……Ghyllie, my lovely but headstrong and independent male 3 year old large breed was not seeing me as his leader!

I was struggling with pulling on the lead, excessive sniffing and reactivity to some dogs/people and the inevitable unreliable recall.

I decided to leave Ghyllie with Ian for 5 days of training….by the first afternoon he was ignoring sheep (off lead) and having lovely play sessions with Ian’s dog Pepper. Needless to say I had been worried about leaving Ghyllie, but as Ian promised, he kept in daily contact with messages and videos illustrating Ghyllie’s improvement and their newfound relationship!

Day 5 came, I was excited to see Ghyllie again and learn more from Ian...lots of very logical, sensible advice and those valuable practical tips on how to strengthen my leadership role.

It’s been a month since I last visited Ian at Anvilstone and I can honestly say Ghyllie is a totally different dog, improving week by week.

I’m learning to read his behaviour more clearly and anticipate problems before they arise and take action!

There is lots of long lining out on our walks but I see it more of a ‘fine tuning’ training tool now rather than a step backward. Ghyllie has been a pleasure to bring home and each day we are learning how to really enjoy our time together, providing stricter boundaries and rewarding with lots of positive reinforcement (Ghyllie really did love Ian’s cheese supply!!)

If you need help and don’t know where to turn then please seek out Ian at Anvilstone Dog Training and really get to know your dog.

Thank you Ian.

Ghyllie (Kirby Lonsdale, Lancashire).
I spent 5 days with Ian with my 7yr old GWP Lemmy, after 24 hours we were off lead in a field with him coming back to the whistle, the next day he was off lead with sheep. Incredible! I had seen many other dog trainers before Ian, with no results and I had began to give up hope. If your dog has any sort of behaviour issues please just call Ian, he is happy to chat through any of your concerns/questions and give you options! money well spent, I now have a happy dog!
Well we trained a Labrador, a Boxer and a GSP over the years so surely having a GWP would be no bother! Ozzy came into our lives, the most loving, adorable family pet you could ever wish for……
Fast forward 2 ½ years and after much research, discussion, reading other peoples experiences on the GWP FB page we decided that we needed help we clearly underestimated the task. Ozzy constantly pulled on his lead, wouldn’t walk to heel, recall was on his terms after he had a wee and a sniff, his reaction to squirrels and cats was off the scale and was always first up the stairs, through doors etc and when he didn’t want to do something would throw himself on the floor! A bit like a toddler with terrible twos.
A number of people had mentioned success about some guy up in the Lake District who specialised in GWP dog training. Having made contact, off we trundled for a week’s intensive training. Our thoughts were leave him and then have a handover at the end of the week. However, Ian’s initial assessment was that we needed to be part of the training and we were so glad this was the case as we have learnt and been taught so much in that week. As is often the case it's not the dog but the owners and we needed to learn how to communicate effectively with Ozzy. After a lot of input, training and tips from Ian and us undertaking daily sessions we have come home with a completely different Ozzy. The week exceeded our expectations - he is calm, so much better walking to heel and no longer pulls and does as he’s asked on command (most of the time) and we walked through a sheep field with him off the lead and no reaction whatsoever.
Yes it’s a work in progress and he’s not perfect yet but you know you only get out of something what you put in so it’s about us reinforcing the training several times a day and making Ozzy do what he’s been instructed to do. We are so glad we participated daily in the training as we don’t feel that a handover at the end of the week would have been enough for us or Ozzy albeit each to their own.
So in a nutshell we would highly recommend Ian as a specialist in his field with so much knowledge on dog behaviour, training and traits. Don’t be afraid to admit you need help some dogs are more difficult to train than others as we have found to be the case. When all is said and done we wouldn’t be without Ozzy he brings us so much joy so the training effort and perseverance in the short term makes for a happy dog and owners!
If you need a top professional dog trainer don't waste your time and money going anywhere else like we did , Ian has done a amazing job from day one ,by day two our Dobermans have gone from skitty untrusting nervous dogs to confident dogs , I'm over impressed by the way Ian trains and handles my dogs very calm and professional we'll be carrying on with Ian to get the full protentiol out of our dogs, thanks for everything Ian.
Absolutely amazing results after 2 short sessions with our rescue doberman Girls.

I can really say im very impressed with ians approach to dog training taking time to teach each doberman with kindness and really working out the indivsual temperament of the dogs.

Ian has a great calmness around the dogs and I think the dogs really wanted to work for him.

The difference we have found in our everyday home life already is really impressive!

Would recommend ian for all your dog training needs, problems or just brushing up on some basic training.

Michelle @gardk9collarsuk
We have just completed 6 full days training, with a “pass out”on the fells on day 7 with Ian Wh @anvilstonedogtraining … what a journey we had!

Jack our GWP ruled us..even with years of training he was noisy, dominant and only recalled when he wanted.. we had given up walks because it was too stressful and ended up, at ungodly hours, training in the park when no-one/ dogs were around due to his reactivity, screaming, lunging, the list goes on!

Ian was informative, instructive and made us realise the most important issue was leadership and by changing the balance in our favour Jack would become less confused .. we were in fields with sheep on our own within a day, and walking through towns and dog parks with hardly any noise or reaction!
Ian has given us the confidence to be the owners Jack needed.. we finished our 7 days with a walk on the fells with Jack and Pepper (one of Ians dogs) off lead walking through sheep, gorse, passing people and staying within 5 metres and always checking in.. something we had only ever dreamed of!

This has changed our lives for the better.. lots to keep working on but the difference already in Jack is immense, he is calm, happy to be lead and comfortable we are looking out for him.

If you are thinking of using Ian, don’t wait like we did.. within 7 days we have now been hiking in the mountains alongside sheep, sat in a cafe and eaten and walked around shops which we haven’t been able to do in 2 years! our leadership and relationship has changed and all due to Ian’s guidance!
We’ve had dogs of various breeds over the years, and definitely find Biddy, our 15 month old GWP the most challenging. However, taking her on walks was becoming less pleasurable with constant pulling and wanting to chase livestock. I then found Ian through various posts on social media and after meeting him, it was evident early on that it was more us that didn’t understand the breed rather than a problem with the dog. Ian spent some time with Biddy initially and it was clear that it was possible with the right training (for both the dog and us) that we could enjoy her. We left Biddy with Ian and returned after 4 days and it was a pleasure to watch him with her. We spent a few hours with Ian, watching and learning, and he gave us training and the difference is remarkable, we now have control and this means a happy dog and happy owners. I think for someone who hasn’t had a GWP before, a training session with Ian should come as part of every puppy pack… that way, you’re getting the best out of an amazing breed and it’s only fair on the dog too.
We entrusted Ian with the training of our beloved pooch Frankie last month and the results have been truly remarkable. Frankie returned home not only with a newfound discipline but also with a palpable enthusiasm for his improved skills.

Anvilstone Dog Training offers an expansive and picturesque environment, replete with sprawling fields for exploration, a meandering river perfect for splashing, and an array of captivating scents for our furry friends to discover. In addition to these delightful surroundings, Ian provided daily tailored one-on-one training sessions for Frankie that proved invaluable.

Reflecting on our experience, I am pleased to share our journey so far:

Day 1 - Arrival and Introduction:
Upon our first meeting with Ian at his charming residence nestled in nature's embrace, he adeptly explained his training methodology. Ian's thoughtful approach ensured that as Frankie's owners, we were fully aligned and comfortable with the training process. Ian commenced Frankie's training with a focused 20-minute session, during which he also imparted techniques like proper heel walking and effective deployment of the long training line. This initial interaction extended into the morning, where we had the opportunity to connect with fellow Pointer owenrs on a similar path. Confident in Frankie's well-being, we entrusted him to Ian's care for the next five days.

Days 2-5 - Progress and Updates:
Though our home felt incomplete without Frankie's presence, Ian's daily updates and videos were a source of reassurance. These communications depicted Frankie thriving under Ian's expert guidance, displaying remarkable responsiveness to the training.

Days 6-7 - Empowering the Owners:
The culmination of the training journey saw us reuniting with Frankie, prepared to absorb the wealth of knowledge he had acquired over the past week. Ian's patient and comprehensive explanations equipped us to seamlessly integrate Frankie's new skills into our daily routine. Tasked with practicing and mastering the techniques, we were astounded by the depth of Frankie's progress during his time at Anvilstone Dog Training. The joy of witnessing Frankie confidently off-leash, reliably returning to our side, was truly heartening.

While Frankie was already a wonderful companion, the transformation he underwent through Ian's guidance brought him even closer to canine perfection. Yet, our journey continues, grounded in the understanding that consistency remains paramount. Each walk now presents an opportunity for us to reinforce the techniques imparted by Ian, ensuring Frankie's continued growth and proficiency.

Our experience with Ian and Anvilstone Dog Training has been nothing short of exceptional, and we wholeheartedly recommend his services to those seeking to enhance their furry companions' lives.
My rescue dog & I spent a week with Ian getting the basics right. My dog Joe has an unknown background from Bulgaria & it looks like he’s had quite a trauma in his past - he was jumpy & nervous so training him was hard. In just a week Joe was happy, relaxed, confident. Walking calmly on his short lead & great recall away from sheep (!) off-lead. I’ve also come away with lots more knowledge and insight. Highly recommended.

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